Lead Only & Between the Bridges

The Lead Only area is not maintained so please read the ice before you embark and treat it as you would backcountry ice.

This area is mostly located beneath the Upper Bridge. Routes here get less traffic and are generally less picked out. The routes are also long and steep. You will need to rap in to begin your route. The Lead Only area does not permit top roping, but it is permitted in the Between the Bridges area.


Comp Routes – This is the area many of the comp routes have taken place at. The wall just below the upper bridgehad been grid bolted over the years. Choose your own adventure.

Hardline (M9, gear) Check out Jack Robert’s Colorado Climbing guide to see photo of this one.

Fight Club (M7, bolts) Located at the lower portion of the lead only area this Jay Smith route climbs up a bolt and piton line, usually alongside a pillar and exists onto to the ice