January 8th, 2025

Current Conditions and Open Areas

Open anchor count: 162

Open areas (with some spot closures):

Deep South, South Park, Kids’ Wall, Two-Eyed Dog*, New Funtier, Grad School, School Room, Pic O the Vic, Lead Only*, Between the Bridges, Scottish Gullies, Five Fingers, Shithouse Wall

*Lead only areas are unmaintained and should be treated the same as backcountry ice. Read the route before climbing and make sure you have proper equipment.


  • Be mindful of spot closures in areas marked with orange CLOSED signs.

  • Some anchor pads, especially in South Park, have two climbs marked by tags on keychains. One may be open while the other is closed. Closed routes on anchor pads like this will have a CLOSED sign attached to its specific corresponding keychain tag. Check closely!

closed areas:

Stump Wall

Current Condtions:

We’re getting into the thick of it now.  All In Ice Fest was a blast and stoke was high!  A big thank you to everyone who came out to hang and climb with us.  Y’all are lovely.  We’ve got just a couple weeks until the 30th edition of Ouray Ice Festival, and planning is already underway for the occasion. 

A pretty good cold snap recently has seen temperatures drop roughly 20 degrees, so daytime temps have been hovering around freezing, and overnight temps are dropping into the teens or lower - favorable farming conditions, potentially for several consecutive nights.  Farmers indicated they plan to spray as much as possible with emphasis toward areas and climbs we are still looking to fatten up.  Additional terrain will open as is deemed fit over the coming weeks.  In the meantime, please continue to be mindful of specific anchor closures in the park.  Currently, the only entire climbing area still closed is Stump Wall.

That said, the cold snap is making the ice a wee bit brittle, especially first thing in the morning, so heads up and be prepared for a dinner plate or two upon first swing.  Come see us!

Conditions Gallery